Ivy College
Established in 2009, initially delivering short courses, Ivy College is registered with the Australian Skills Quality Agency (RTO Code 40718) to deliver TAFE equivalent, nationally recognised qualifications. Ivy College later became part of Scentia.
Whilst at Ivy College I worked in the Business & Management Faculty and lead the Marketing Division as the sole Marketing Trainer/Assessor. The Diploma of Marketing qualification was delivered online via Moodle and Salesforce. My role was to train and mentor students, and then assess their competencies in this qualification. I also took on students that were studying the Diploma of Business, Diploma of Management and the Diploma of Marketing and Events. In addition I assisted Study Coaches with grading in subjects including; HR Management and Project Management.
I worked in the initial stages of curriculum development for “Diploma Bootcamp”, a two week workshop to assist students that were struggling with studying online. I travelled to Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth to deliver the “Diploma Bootcamp” in face-to-face workshops. I also worked with other members of the Business & Management Faculty to develop special projects as requested by the Head of the Faculty.